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Be their friends...

Godly values may seem 'old school' and sound 'old fashioned' but are timeless and are the only way to a successful life. Share your faith and teach the young people around you Biblical principles from an early age.

A lot of the rot we see in the world today can be traced back to dysfunctional family systems. Be a praying parent. It is a joy when your children can share prayer points and testimonies with you.

Be open to discussing and talking about the issues in their lives. Don’t assume you know what they know or don’t know, especially with the evil going on in the media and on the internet.

Be a prayerful and watchful parent or guardian. Be an active part of your children or wards' lives and growth. Talk to your child before he or she begins to encounter evils such as pornography. Have those conversations upfront.

We as adults should model Godly behavior and values such as integrity and delayed gratification to our children. Don’t take a one-size fits all approach to parenting, assuming all your children are alike.

Take time to study each child's personality, likes and dislikes...Get into their world, Don’t just give out instructions and commands, be a worthy role-model to them.

Pray together with them. If you cannot have morning devotion, then take advantage of technology or say a word of prayer during the ride to school. Make every moment a teachable moment. Bring up conversations that channel them towards God.

While watching a movie with them for instance, ask questions that bring God into the picture Share your stories and experiences. Let them know you were once young like they are and you understand how they feel.

Involve your children in community service at church or in your neighborhood. Encourage them to give and to show kindness. Teach them how to save, how to make good friends and how to say no to negative peer pressure.

Prepare them for the world out there. They will succeed if they are prepared.

May God give us the grace and wisdom to groom the next generation for greatness.

In His Love,


© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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