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Kindness The Impact of our light: IGTV


Take all the glory meters of the point of our need to every one that is here. Oh God, needing one help or the other, needing strength in their inner man, invader hearts and lives, Holy Spirit, speak to us, make clear to us. For those who are in at crossroads right now God speak to their hearts. Lead us Lord, like the great and gentle Shepherd, leader that


you are.


We welcome your presence in our hearts once again. And into this place and into this atmosphere Holy Spirit have your way speak through this lips of clay to do a life changing work in our hearts. Oh God in the hearts of your people.

Thank you, Father. Beyond the words I will speak let them hear you. Oh god. Give us this day. Our daily bread give us the word we need to hear right now. Thank you, Father or God. In Jesus name, we have worshiped in Jesus name. We have prayed, amen, and amen. Hallelujah. If your friends are not in yet, tell them to come in. In the next 30 minutes or so.


I'll be sharing the word


and this month we've been talking about light, we've been talking about light, our main text has been Matthew 14:5; 14-16

He says you are the light of the world. A town or a city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp or put it under a bowl or under a bushel. But instead they put it on a stand. And it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way. Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. The end result is that God will be glorified. Through our shining of the light that has been put in us not only have we received like Jesus said, We are light. And so this month, we've been talking about how to shine that light. out I know the very first Sunday.

long suffering, nine fruits of the Spirit, like that, and kindness is one of them. So we're gonna focus on kindness, we produce kindness by hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit. But before I go into that, let me read Ephesians, 5 to 32 NIV. He says, be kind and compassionate to one another. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgive you. Wow. Be kind and compassionate. So this is an instruction to us that we should be kind. What is kindness I looked at the dictionary says the act of being caring, or warm in spirit.

I am the light of the world. Because Jesus said you are and whatever he says to you, you are so if you're not shining bright, if you are not shining as you should check your heart check your mind check, do intensive check what is going on in you check. And of course the power of God and the presence of God and the wisdom of God is available to us now an even part time for healing, for uncovering of what is dumped in that light, whatever may be done in that light, the power of God, the presence of God, the wisdom of God in His Word is available to give us clarity to help us to remove you know what ever is dimming our light. Hallelujah. light from the sun gives life to our planet, we know that without light, plants will die and everything else ultimately.

So it's not just about seeing our way seen our pathway that we need lighting when the moon is light of his own right. But it's also about life, the rays from the sun gives life to us to plants. And to us as well we need vitamin D we need certain minerals to come into us through the light through the rays of the sun. So we cannot overemphasize the power of light when we look at even light in his natural state the sun lamps, and all of that and that's why it's really a sad thing for any community or any nation or any group of people or any location to be without light to be without power, you know power that will generate the brightness and power everything else so are we when we operate without light when we operate without even the full intensity of our light.

Guess what? Everywhere remains dark. Everywhere remains that it doesn't matter. You can be an introvert you can be the most quiet person. You when you come into a space it's supposed to light up when you're paying What you have written comes into place, when you get to a place on your lips or your your knees, the place is lit up, the atmosphere changes. Because you have released the light that you are, the kind of light you are you have allowed it to emanate. And so there's a difference there. There's healing, there is joy, there's illumination, there is wisdom, you know, whatever it is, there is clarity. If you're a teacher, your professor in school, whatever your light




whatever way you have been given to shine your light, Shine your light. So today, I'm looking at kindness as light and I've titled this kindness, the impact of our light, kindness, the impact of our light. Kindness, do we think this word is like oh, pa calm with a strong word. Which one is kindness? Again, to mild, I'm telling you, simple is baby simple. Jesus always taught very simple things. He taught with parables. He taught his disciples if we go and look at the Gospels, he said that he taught and the Bible says the common people heard him gladly. He didn't bring one high sounding thing, high sounding grammar that they did not understand. What he taught was always very simple. And it's in that simplicity, that you still have the power of God back in it and shining. So don't think kindness is not a powerful message to bring. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. And it says so and that's in Matthew 22. We talked sorry, Galatians, five Galatians 516 talks about the fruit of the Spirit, love, patience, kindness,


long suffering, nine fruits of the Spirit, like that, and kindness is one of them. So we're gonna focus on kindness, we produce kindness by hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit. But before I go into that, let me read Ephesians, five to 32 in the nav. He says, be kind and compassionate to one another. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgive you. Wow. Be kind and compassionate. So this is an instruction to us that we should be kind. What is kindness I looked at the dictionary says the act of being caring, or warm in spirit.


quality of being gentle, caring, helpful. And consider rate. Another one as generous to rate be generous with your gift with your talent with your money with what you have been giving with your light. Be generous with the lights, don't dim your light, don't call it those are the people who are going to give them little light. No, Lord, God is generous towards us. The sun, the rain comes on everyone. He shines his light, the Sun reaches everyone. He's not selective. So kindness is one of the ways in which we can win people to the Lord. Kindness is one of the ways we can draw people's hearts to Christ. Not necessarily to us.

So first of all, they may be drawn to us because of what they've seen us do for them, help someone on the road, help someone with their groceries, just do those things that come to you do those things you see the enemy, the devil will not tell you to do the kind of thing he wouldn't say, See that old man struggling with his stuff, trying to cross the road who and helping? The devil won't tell you that.

So when you hear something, or when the thought crosses your mind, it is God my friend...


© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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