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Plan for it..

When you are organized and have a habit of planning ahead, you would be able to minimize all the interruptions. Your ability to achieve greatness in life may depend on the discipline with which you manage your time.

The importance of planning cannot be overemphasized, as the popular saying goes, “When you fail to plan, you have planned to fail.” You can’t really attain greatness without making proper planning and organization a personal culture.

We have so much to do at any given time and it could be very overwhelming if we don’t learn proper organization. When we fail to plan, we end up not maximizing our opportunities and potentials.

Luke 14:28 talks about counting the cost before building a house. This also applies to personal goals. It is so important for you to plan and take stock of what you are about to do.

Plan your day, plan your week. As you are able, plan ahead through the year. Sometimes, unavoidable interruptions by way of phone calls, SMS, emails & visits come in the course of the day.

Many successful people had to learn organisational skills. You will need to work at it till it becomes a part of you. Begin by writing down the tasks you need to accomplish, so you can keep track.

Focus on, tackle and solve the challenges that have the capacity to impact your daily output. When we fail to plan, juggling our tasks can become stressful, affecting our emotions negatively.

You cannot be productive or achieve your goal if you are involved in several activities. Focus on one thing at a time. I encourage you to plan daily so that no area of your life suffers. Make sure that you stay organized.

I pray God’s grace rests on as you commit to planning and organization in Jesus name.

In His Love,


© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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