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Spend time with God..

A quick study of Jesus’ ministry while he was physically on earth tells us that he was a very busy man. Jesus always had crowds of people around him trying to get one thing or the other from him, His ministry was known far and wide and he had people coming to see and listen to him from very far places.

He was in very high demand and his schedule must have been very full on a regular basis. The Bible says that Jesus went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed of the devil. Yet, in the midst of his tight schedule he prioritized his time alone with God. Mark 1:35 says .”…before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray..”

This tells us that before we get into the business of the day, going about our work, business or classes before the hustle and bustle of getting the children ready for school and our heads starts filling up with to-do lists, we need to take time out to be with God.

Spend time with God, meditating on His Word & listening to what He has to say to you for the day. There is no better place to plan your day than alone in God’s presence.

This time with God is so important because it is the place where you can draw strength for the day ahead. You can only hope to have a great day, only God knows exactly what the day would look like so you need Him to prepare and guide you.

Don't form a rigid routine around quiet time though; carving out time early in the morning may not be ideal for some people.Choose a very quiet place where you wouldn’t be easily disturbed.

The Bible says the love and mercies of God are new every morning, tap into the fresh grace for that day through your quiet time.

I encourage you to make it a habit to spend time alone with God on a daily basis, you will be better for it!

In His Love,

Nike Adeyemi.

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